Sanders, R. K. (2023, November). The future is now: Exploring 21st- century teaching ideas with the next generation of English teachers. Respondent to session at the National Council of Teachers of English (NCTE) Annual Convention, Columbus, Ohio.
Sanders, R. K. (2022, November). The future is now: Exploring 21st- century teaching ideas with the next generation of English teachers. Respondent to session at the National Council of Teachers of English (NCTE) Annual Convention, Anaheim, CA.
Alvermann, D. E., Brice, L., Sanders, R. K., Fowler, K., Kim, M. & Jang, Y. (2021, September). E-learning Study of Literacy Teachers’ Professional Development in Silent Reading Instruction. Paper presentation at the E-learning Methodology, Technology, Evaluation and Future Trends’ International Research Conference, hosted online by the Mongolian National University of Education (MNUE), Ulaanbaatar, Mongolia.
Sanders, R. (2021, August). A [new] literacies dissertation: The paradox surrounding the literacy practices in academic research. Audio-visual presentation presented at the Colloquium on Artistic Research in the Performing Arts, Helsinki, Finland.
DeJulio, S., Chang-Bacon, C., Sanders, R., & Proffitt, A. (2020, December). Interrogating the Syllabus: The Collaborative Impact of a Thinking with Theory Approach to Literacy Teacher Education Coursework. Paper session at the Literacy Research Association (LRA) Annual Conference, Online.
Stahl, N. A., King, J. R., Sanders, R., et al. (2020, December). Exploring the Past, Present, and Future Together: Engaging the Future of LRA through Historical Literacy Research. Alternative format session at the Literacy Research Association (LRA) Annual Conference, Online.
Sanders, R., Sousanis, N., & Carson, A. (2019, December). New Dissertations: The Future of Literacy Practices in Academic Research. Alternative format session at the Literacy Research Association (LRA) Annual Conference, Tampa, FL.
Sanders, R. & Barnes, M. (2019, November). Creating Spaces for Inquiry through Expanded Notions of Communities and Texts. Panel presentation at the National Council of Teachers of English (NCTE) Annual Convention, Baltimore, MD.
Alvermann, D. E., Sanders, R., Brice, L., & Fowler, K. (2019, October) The Technology in Literacy Education SIG. Roundtable discussion at the International Literacy Association (ILA) Conference, New Orleans, LA by First Author.
Sanders, R. (2018, December). Reclaiming Literacies in Rural Communities through National Writing Project Site-Based Professional Development. Discussant for symposium at the Literacy Research Association (LRA) Annual Conference, Indian Wells, CA.
Sanders, R. (2018, December). [text]ure: A New Literacies Dissertation. Paper presentation at the Literacy Research Association (LRA) Annual Conference, Indian Wells, CA.
Hadley, H. & Sanders, R. (2018, November). Level Up: Playful Rigor in Language Arts Classrooms. Panel presentation at the National Council of Teachers of English (NCTE) Annual Convention, Houston, Texas.
Sanders, R. (2017, December). To Infinity and Beyond: Gaming in the Classroom. Paper presentation accepted at the American Reading Forum (ARF) Conference, Sanibel Island, FL.
Sanders, R. & Hadley, H. (2017, December). The world is waiting: Amazing Race ‘final’e for pre-service literacy teachers. Paper presentation accepted at the American Reading Forum (ARF) Conference, Sanibel Island, FL.
Kaminski, R., Hunt Barron, S., & Sanders, R. (2017, December). Adapting professional development for varying contexts: CRWP in three rural southeastern districts. Paper presentation at the Literacy Research Association (LRA) Annual Conference, Tampa, FL.
Sanders, R. & Hadley, H. (2017, November). Ready, Player One: Games, Gamification, and Play in the Language Arts Classroom. Individual presentation at the National Council of Teachers of English (NCTE) Annual Convention, St. Louis, Missouri.
Sanders, R. & Hadley, H. (2017, October). Gaming It Up: Gaming Classroom Structures for Student Engagement. Panel presentation at the Innovation in Teaching Conference hosted by the College of Education at The University of Georgia (UGA), Athens, GA.
Alvermann, D., Sanders, R., & Mahany, K. (2016, December). Oral and Silent Reading in Middle- and High School Classes: Multiple Perspectives. Panel presentation at the Literacy Research Association (LRA) Annual Conference, Nashville, TN.
Friedrich, L. & Sanders, R. (2016, December). The Impact of Transformative Professional Development: National Writing Project’s College-Ready Writers Program. Panel presentation at the Literacy Research Association (LRA) Annual Conference, Nashville, TN.
Alvermann, D., Sanders, R., & Mahany, K. (2016, November). Oral and Silent Reading in Middle- and High School Classes: Multiple Perspectives. Panel presentation at the National Council of Teachers of English (NCTE) Annual Convention, Atlanta, GA.
Kaminski, R., Hunt-Barron, S., & Sanders, R. (2016, November). Advocating for Themselves: Teaching Argumentation in Rural Communities. Individual presentation at the National Council of Teachers of English (NCTE) Annual Convention, Atlanta, GA.
Kaminski, R., Hunt-Barron, S., Sanders, R., & Unterspan, L. (2016, November). Professional Development Partnerships as Opportunities for Advocacy in Rural School Districts. Individual presentation at the National Council of Teachers of English (NCTE) Annual Convention, Atlanta, GA.
Kaminski, R., & Sanders, R. (2016, November). Going Beyond the Comfort Zone in Order to Advocate Change: Developing Teachers’ Attitudes and Understanding about diversity with multicultural YA literature. Panel presentation at the National Council of Teachers of English (NCTE) Annual Convention, Atlanta, GA.
Sanders, R. (2016, November). Advocating Social Change through Our Writing by Using the Plus-Minus-Interesting Instructional Strategy. Roundtable discussion at the National Council of Teachers of English (NCTE) Annual Convention, Atlanta, GA.
Sanders, R., & Rigot, E. (2016, November). Youth and Community: Extending the Reach and Relevance of Writing Project Programs. Roundtable discussion at the National Writing Project (NWP) Annual Meeting, Atlanta, GA.
Kaminski, R., Hunt-Barron, S., & Sanders, R. (2016, July). Strategies that Work: Looking at Student Argument Writing to Inform Instruction. Panel presentation at the International Literacy Association (ILA) Conference, Boston, MA.
Sanders, R., & Kilpatrick, R. (2016, March). Books for Thought, Not Work: One Student’s Journey to Becoming an Avid Reader. Multimodal presentation at the Georgia Children’s Literature Conference (GCLC) hosted by the College of Education at The University of Georgia (UGA), Athens, GA
Sanders, R. (2016, January). Plus-Minus-Interesting: Your way to a better argument. Multimodal presentation at the Journal of Language and Literacy Education (JoLLE) Winter Conference hosted by the College of Education at The University of Georgia (UGA), Athens, GA.
Howell, E., Kaminski, R., Hunt-Barron, S., & Sanders, R. (2015, December). Argumentative writing in high-needs rural schools: A multiple case study. Paper presentation at the Literacy Research Association (LRA) Annual Conference, Carlsbad, CA.
Unterspan, L., Sanders, R., & Lyda, N. (2015, November). All the right moves: Helping students integrate source material into their writing. Roundtable discussion given at the National Council of Teachers of English (NCTE) Annual Convention, Minneapolis, MN.
Kaminski, R. & Sanders, R. (2015, November). Exploring social justice through poetry during the ISI. Roundtable discussion at the National Writing Project (NWP) Annual Meeting, Minneapolis, MN.
Sanders, R. (2015, October). Padlet your way to more meaningful discussion. Roundtable discussion given at the Innovation in Teaching Conference hosted by the College of Education at The University of Georgia (UGA), Athens, GA.
Sanders, R. (2015, January). Kammander Con: A multigenre, multimodal unit that gets 7th graders writing. Multimodal presentation at the South Carolina Council of Teachers of English (SCCTE) Annual Conference: Reimagining Writing. Kiawah Island Resort, SC.
Sanders, R. & Moore, A. (2015, January). Writing Workshop: Yes, it does work in the Middle School. Oral presentation at the South Carolina Council of Teachers of English (SCCTE) Annual Conference: Reimagining Writing. Kiawah Island Resort, SC.
Hunt-Barron, S., Kaminski, R., Howell, E., & Sanders, R. (2014, November). School partnerships: Engaging the assets in your community. Invited participation in a National Center for Literacy Exchange hosted Practice Exchange at the National Council of Teachers of English (NCTE) Annual Convention, Washington DC.
Kaminski, R., Hunt-Barron, S., Howell, E., Tracy, K.N., Hawkins, D., Sanders, R., English, C., & Appel, C. (2014, November). Writing in the rural landscape: Stories from the South and the Midwest. Symposium paper given at National Council of Teachers of English (NCTE) Annual Convention, Washington, DC.